Newsletter 5
Newsletter 4
VolinAct LTT Activity Happened in Foligno, Italy
Lares Italia was glad to host the LTTA in their heart quarter in Foligno between 30th June and 2nd of July 2022.
After a welcome speech from President Danilo Calabrese our Group Lead Sofia Psarrou organized feedback from the modules. Each partner wrote notes about their expectations from the training.
The partners present at the meeting were asked to prepare a small presentation on the module that they developed in the previous months, so during the 1st and 2nd working day each organization got the chance to present it to the other partners and discuss feedback and comments.
The last morning of work was dedicated to the online questionnaire sent to the participants to fill in online, conclusions and evaluation of the piloting.

Newsletter 3
Newsletter 2
VolinAct_Newsletter-2_EN_F VolinAct_Newsletter-2_EN_F-1Newsletter 1
Kickoff meeting Athens 17-20 September 2021
The first meeting was held in Athens. It was a very productive meeting. The partners met closely and spent four days together from September 17th to September 20th.
The agenda included not only workshops but also many cultural activities. So, everyone had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange ideas and suggestions. In addition, there was a planning of the future stages of the programme.
Ιndicatively we mention that there was a presentation by a specialist, a volunteer firefighter, on the issue of the recent fires in Attica (Varibobi).
There was a productive discussion about Modules as well as about the results achieved by IO1 and the progress of IO2. There was also planning and implementation of all IO3, IO4 and IO5 products.
We hope that the next international meetings will continue normally.

Newsletter 1
VolinAct_Newsletter-1 VolinAct_Newsletter-1-0025th Virtual meeting – 26 May 2021
The partners had a very good and productive meeting.
The coordinator, OIKO.POLI.S presented the Mapping of Volunteers and all the partners agreed how to finalize the IO1and start to work in IO2.
The competency map will be the first tool for the Modules.
The leading partner (SBTC DANISMANLIK) of IO2 will define the modules and related contents creating the main structure of the Output also based on the results of Output 1 (Mapping of volunteers). The structure will be shared with the partners who will contribute to the finalization of the Output Structure. Lares Italy with its experience in Civil protection will support this step.
Also, the partners discovered the possibility to have the 1st face to face meeting in Athens at 17020 of September 2021 if it is safe for all the partners.
4th Virtual meeting – 9 April 2021
The 4th VOLinACT project meeting took place virtually. It was held on 09.04.2021.
Each partner presented the 2 good practices.
There was a productive discussion about the International report ,Map of volunteers and general how to finalize the IO1.
3nd Virtual meeting – 20 January 2021
The 3rd VOLinACT project meeting took place virtually. It was held on 20.01.2021.
There was a very fruitful discussion, the result of which was a finalization of the questionnaire that will assist the participants in mapping skills and competencies across the Volunteers’ Fire Protection Organizations in the participating countries.
With the help of the questionnaire, skills and competences needed for fire fighters volunteers will be identified, gaps in volunteers’ knowledge recognized, best practices of the partners taken into consideration.
The partners also set the guidelines for work on the dissemination of the information related to the VOLinACT project.
2nd Virtual Meeting – 16 December 2020
Due to The COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd meeting of VOLinACT project took place online. The project outputs and related activities were presented and agreed upon by all the partners, the project coordinator provided a description and brief analysis of the work plan.
The partners substantively discussed the finalization of the first intellectual output IO1, more specifically, the preparation of a questionnaire for the purposes of Raising Awareness for Training Volunteers. The target groups (volunteers trainers and Experts in forest firefighting), the content of such a questionnaire were defined.
With the purpose of most efficient result, to enrich the project with quality content, the partners decided to present two good practices each in the field of Fire Fighting.
1st Virtual Meeting – 23 November 2020
The 1st virtual meeting was held online on 23.11.2020. The project partners from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Georgia presented their own organizations and contributions to the project. The meeting was a starting point for managing the following activities taking into consideration the current pandemic situation around the world. As a result the decision to continue all project communications by means of virtual meetings was taken. The partners expressed the hope to have the opportunity for live communication before the project period expires.