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Di seguito risorse aggiuntive e riferimenti agli argomenti precedenti:

If you would like to have some additional information about the Fire Database of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the Harmonized Classification Scheme of Fire Causes in the EU please visit this link !

If you would like to have some additional information about the results of forest fires please read Strauss, D., Bednar, L., & Mees, R. (1989). Do one percent of the forest fires cause ninety-nine percent of the damage?. Forest science, 35(2), 319-328.

If you would like to have some additional information about the cause and facts of forest fires please read Silva JS, Rego FC, Fernandes P, Rigolot E (2010) ‘Towards Integrated Fire Management – Outcomes of the European Project FIRE PARADOX’. European Forest Institute Research Report 23: 229p.

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